What Makes A Good Bookshelf?
When purchasing furniture, form and function often play against each other. Especially if the buyer hasn't purchased furniture in the past or hasn't dealt with a specific piece of carpentry, it can be difficult to see the more subtle reasons why a certain piece isn't the right choice. If you're a reader in need of an efficient and elegant bookshelf--or just want to show off books in a flattering way--here are a few bookshelf design and quality carpentry points to guide your choices:
Dimensions And Fitting Features
At first glance, many people consider bookshelves for two main features: the number of books held, and whether it can fit in their room of choice. Those are the most important decision points that require exact measurement, but there are a few deeper points that may not be considered.
As you measure the bookshelf's target room, the size of the shelves, and your books, consider the way that the corners are designed. Basic bookshelves will be made with corner joining that creates a sharp, 90-degree angle on each corner. This should fit in most rooms either in a corner or placed away from corners, but make sure that your home doesn't have conflicting architecture.
If your home, library, or business has rounded walls or triangular inserts to soften corners, the bookshelf could create an awkward fit. Make sure to measure not only the vertical and horizontal fit of the room but also the corners to see if they would stab into other surfaces created by creative features in your building.
Odd-shaped bookshelves can be a challenge just the same. It's understandable that you may want to snap up a custom carpentry bookshelf immediately if the design is visually perfect for you, but be sure to measure any embellishments or other features outside of the standard square shape before attempting to install the bookshelf. You may need to make some changes in the building before bringing heavy or fragile furniture in.
Wood And Finishing Choices
The type of wood delivers visual charm and physical security, but you need to know how to avoid the more subtle problems that aren't obvious at first glance.
No matter what kind of wood you choose, make sure that it's sealed and/or finished. This means adding some sort of preservative or surface filler to prevent moisture, bacteria, mold, and other invasive particles from getting into the wood and causing rot.
Another problem with untreated wood is sap. Especially with woods such as pine, simply slapping a few boards of freshly-cut wood will result in sticky surfaces that will ruin your books. Depending on the type of wood, sugary sap may attract insects over time. Maple syrup bookshelves are only a novelty for so long until it becomes an infestation.
Adding finish does not mean that the wood will be drastically stained or glossy. There are multiple types of finishing and wood treatment to give different types of effects, so be sure to ask a custom carpenter about your options when getting a customized bookshelf. Contact a company like paintersplus for more information and assistance.